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Ethical Professional Practice - Acceptable

"The Ethical Professional Practice competency area pertains to the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to understand and apply ethical standards to one's work.  While ethics is an integral component of all the competency areas, this competency area focuses specifically on the integration of ethics into all aspects of self and professional practice" (ACPA & NASPA, 2010, p. 12).

Growth Within Competency

BGSDA Professional Development Session:  Determining Your Professional Ethics

This professional development session, led by CSP students Anna Lehnen (Class of 2012) and John Land (Class of 2013), was one of my earlierst opportunities in the program to explore ethical concepts as they relate to me.  Their presentation focused on helping us articulate our own personal code of ethics, align those ethics with our professional ethics, and describe how our ethics manifest in a workplace environment.  Each of these aspects of the presentation touched on one or more of the pieces of the Ethical Professional Practice competency (ACPA & NASPA, 2010).  After having multiple discussions with a partner on these various issues, discussed ways of implementing what we learned in our offices on campus.

CSP 6050:  Capstone Seminar - Values Case Study

The first part of the Capstone Seminar course for the College Student Personnel program focused on identifying and articulating our personal and professional values.  After spending time developing and defining our sets of values, we discussed a case study regarding the aggressive and controversial investigative reporting techniques of a student newspaper and the potential consequences of actions taken by university administrators as a result.  The activity challenged us to identify the values being expressed, violated, and in direct conflict with our own personal and professional values.

Professional Competencies


Ethical Professional Practice


ACPA & NASPA (2010). Professional competency areas for student affairs practitioners. Washington, DC: Authors

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